AGM 2024


Diana Baxter


11 July 2024

All members are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the H E Parker Reserve Tennis Club to be held at the Club house on Saturday 27 July 2024, commencing at 1:00pm.

All members are invited and encouraged to attend the AGM of HE Parker Reserve Tennis Club.

It will be held at the Club on Saturday 27 July 2024, commencing at 1:00pm, followed by afternoon tea and social tennis.

All Management Committee positions will be declared vacant.

Please note that members must be financial and 15 years of age or older to be eligible to vote.

Being part of the Club’s Committee is enjoyable, rewarding and important if you want to play tennis, or you want your kids to play tennis. The Committee encourages you to come along and get involved.

Several longstanding members of the Committee intend to step down this year and we would love to welcome new members to the Management team.

Minutes of the last AGM and General Business, as presented at the meeting, will be discussed.

Please contact Diana Baxter (email: should you need further details.

See the recent newsletter for a nomination form if you are interested in joining the Committee or if you have someone in mind to nominate.

Diana Baxter
Club Secretary