Court re-opening details


Rob Hyndman


4 October 2021

We have some good news, we are back open for play. Coaching and organised member play can resume, however competition will come at a later date, stay tuned for these details.

In order to re-open in a Covid safe way, there are some restrictions that will need to be followed. These restrictions are as per Tennis Victoria and the Government and are outlined below.

Please do not attend the courts if you are not well.

At the present moment booking a court is restricted to members only, so please close the gate after you enter the site.

By utilising the facilities you are agreeing to follow these restrictions to ensure we are providing a COVID safe environment for all.

More information will come directly from Advantage Tennis re the start up of lessons and the coaching restrictions that will apply there.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to more easing of restrictions in the future.

HPRTC Committee