President’s Report


Sue Moreland


5 December 2020

Xmas Greetings.

We would like to wish all our members and patrons a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy break as we see in the New Year.

So much has changed this year and yet I have been very encouraged by the strong support of our club by you all. There is a growing base of new people whom we would love to welcome onto our courts to join the fun and companionship we enjoy at HE Parker. Our adult competitions do not begin until 2021 so please make use of the courts socially in the meantime. The courts are open for social hits on Monday mornings from 9 am, on Wednesday evening from 7 pm, on Saturday afternoon from 2 pm, and there are Friday Ladies groups from 9 am.

To satisfy Government DHHS guidelines in the event that you need to be notified of a case of COVID 19, we have set up a sign in page on the outdoor table which asks for the date, your first name and phone number. This list will be destroyed after 4 weeks. We also have a QR code that can be used for those who are comfortable with this technology. On 12th of December a Xmas BBQ will be running with BYO goodies at 1 pm with tennis at 2 pm.

There is a tournament being run on the 21-23 of December, so join in if you have some time off. Please contact coach Ben for further details.

Warmest wishes & Happy hitting!

Sue Moreland