President’s report
Summer greetings 2019,
Welcome to all new and returning members. Our court facilities are now completed and looking fantastic. A warm start to the beginning of 2019 should test our fitness levels as competition tennis has resumed for most of us. There are new teams in all associations entered so please put your hand up as an emergency if you have not already done so (Chris 0401722040).
All teams are required in the adult sections to bring supper and milk, if playing at home, to share with your opposition team after the match.
A reminder of General housekeeping post-match for all players, do dishes, vacuuming, and checking bathrooms are clean. Please place used balls into the cupboard between the office door and lost property basket in the box marked Competition Balls. Check external toilet is locked with swipe card, and Arm and lock the clubrooms when leaving is most appreciated.
Also, we seem to have had an enormous amount of property left behind last year so let’s aim to remember to take all our clothing, racquets, covers, drink bottles and shoes home with us this year. Should you have lost something please check the local opportunity shop in Heathmont where we have donated them.
An exciting new initiative which we would like to become an annual event is a round robin with dinner open to all people. Please consider taking part in this social event which will be professionally catered for and we hope will be great fun. It’s an opportunity to bring that friend who is always saying that they “must come down one day”. The event is taking place on the 16th of March, play starts at 12:30pm and the entry fee (all inclusive) is $50 per person. Please contact Ben Longridge should you have any questions or if you’d like to enter this event.
Please treat our courts and equipment with respect. There has been a spate of Court bag breakages recently. Please do not allow anyone to stand on the mat while being pulled. They are time consuming to fix and expensive to replace. If it continues the replacement bill will be sent to the offenders. Yes, the CCTV footage can see you.
Sue Moreland, Happy Hitting!